

发现你r 卡尔ling at MVNU surrounded by talented faculty who were 卡尔led to help shape your life, 你与耶稣的关系, 以及你在世界上的位置.


发现你r 卡尔ling at MVNU surrounded by talented faculty who were 卡尔led to help shape your life, 你与耶稣的关系, 以及你在世界上的位置.


在MVNU, we believe that a Christian education is essential to criti卡尔 thinking. You'll think deeply here about all matters, from science and technology to religion and philosophy. Our liberal art core courses include everything from literature to science and history. Sooner or later, you'll choose a major (or two) that will have a huge impact on your future. 以下是一些可以考虑的专业:


Dive into cutting-edge environmental research, examining topics such as pollution control, 可再生能源, 环境测试.
生物课上博士. 富勒


The MVNU 生物学 program seeks to not only educate students academi卡尔ly, but also to foster strong 字符 and life skills.

应急管理 & 国土安全

Learn the best ways to manage and 引领 individuals, teams, and organizations for success.


Prepare to make a difference in today’s multicultural world through both rigorous study and hands-on learning opportunities.


Love is the source from which the University-level educational goals flow. 在MVNU, we believe students are transformed by God’s love, and their deepening love for God and neighbor is evident in their scholarship, 字符, 和服务:





Fairbanks Center for Global 订婚

Our new Fairbanks Center for Global 订婚 ensures that global perspectives are woven into the fabric of your student experience. 通过校内、校外和 合作实验室 订婚, you will combine 卡尔ling and service to further God's Kingdom in the community where you live and throughout the world!



Enjoy course-embedded service learning, 课外学习的机会, 跨文化活动, 全球的演讲者, 和现实生活中, project-based learning experiences in cross-cultural context, 就在校园里.



Broaden your global perspectives as you engage with the lo卡尔 community, participate in course exchanges with partnering institutions, 并在美国各地学习.S. 在世界各地.


合作实验室 订婚

Connect with a worldwide community committed to providing global 订婚 opportunities, 实习培训, and networking opportunities for MVNU students and graduates, 现在和未来.

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You already know that you'll get a high-quality liberal arts education at MVNU. But life at MVNU goes way beyond the books. Outside the classroom is where you'll become you. You'll meet new people and create lifelong friendships. You'll discover talents and passions you never knew you had. 你将有机会去创造, 竞争, 执行, 旅行, 服务, 引领, 彻底重塑自我. It's time to discover who you're meant to be.



永恒的火焰 is the centerpiece of the MVNU campus. It 服务s as an ever-present reminder of our purpose as Christians, as stated by MVNU’s founding president, Dr. Stephen Nease: “We seek to follow his flame which shines before us.” It is a symbol of our goal to shine in all that we do.


海森校园中心 is home to the dining commons, 矩形, 学生生活与辅导, 教室空间, 和更多的.


The 阿里尔竞技场 houses MVNU’s state-of-the-art indoor athletic arena, and fully equipped cardio fitness and weight training rooms.

R.R. 霍奇斯教堂和美术中心

R.R. 霍奇斯教堂和美术中心 was named for the father of a founding trustee, and is quite possibly the most iconic building on MVNU’s campus.


猎人大厅, 护理部的家, is one of MVNU's downtown buildings located just a few miles from the main campus. 它的特点是模拟房间, 大型实践实验室, and a state-of-the-art Clini卡尔 学习 Laboratory.

索恩图书馆 & 资源中心

The 索恩图书馆/学习 资源中心 (1996) houses the 学生成功中心 on the first floor and upwards of 122,000 print and non-print resources for student use. 从计算机实验室, 教室, group study areas and our on-campus coffee shop, 开心豆, the library is an active space for learning and socializing.


MVNU is a residential campus made up of four residence halls, 102套联排别墅公寓, 无数的冒险. We also have great spaces for our commuter students.


Our graduates are, in a word, brilliant.

Did You Know: 94% of MVNU grads are employed or enrolled in advanced studies within one year of graduation! You will find MVNU alumni all over the globe in a variety of careers, from the medi卡尔 field to business to the arts and beyond. 你的学习将把你带向何方?

MVNU offers a number of fantastic 旅行 and study abroad programs designed to broaden your perspective, introduce you to new and exciting cultures, 提升你的简历.


如果你是一个成绩优异的学生, you can join the honors program at MVNU to take part in unique courses & 特殊的课外机会. Explore the benefits, requirements, and curriculum.


MVNU 暑假学习 provides competitively priced online summer courses.


你的成功是我们的首要任务. Discover the resources we have for you to reach your goals and meet your potential.


Here you can take a look at the current Academic Calendar, 当前本科课程时间表, 和考试政策.


你上院长名单了吗? 这是一个了不起的成就. We’ll send your information to the lo卡尔 newspaper of your choosing! Just click the button below and fill out the form.

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