


  • Accredited by The Higher 学习 Commission, 南拉塞尔街230号, 套房7 - 500, 芝加哥, IL 60604-1413, telephone (800) 621-7440 or (312) 263-0456, 传真(312)263-7462或 http://www.hlcommission.org/
  • All academic programs submitted to the Ohio Department of Higher Education for review and approval
  • Approved liberal arts and profession-oriented university for the East Central Educational Region of the Church of the Nazarene
  • 十字路口联盟的成员
  • Member of the Association of Governing Boards
  • Member of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio
  • Member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
  • Member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation
  • Member of the Council of Independent Colleges
  • Member of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
  • Member of the National Association of Intercollegiate 体育运动
  • Member of the National Christian College Athletic Association
  • Member of the Ohio College Association
  • Member of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges
  • The following business programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP):
    • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business Administration;
    • Bachelor of Science (BS) in Accounting;
    • Bachelor of Science (BS) in Finance;
    • Bachelor of Science (BS) in 管理;
    • Bachelor of Science (BS) in Marketing
    • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with concentrations in Human Resource 管理, 管理, 、销售;
    • Master of Business Administration (MBA) with concentrations in Finance, 人力资源, 组织管理;
    • Master of Business Administration (MBA) Health Care Administration; and the
    • Master of Science in 管理 (MSM)
  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education accreditation (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). The bac卡尔aureate degree program in nursing at MVNU is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
    • Since 2009; affirmed through 2024
  • The Master of Science in Nursing degree program at MVNU is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
    • Since 2021; affirmed through 2027
  • Ohio Board of Nursing - Certificate of Full Approval
  • Department of Music accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music
  • The following Initial educator preparation programs accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP, 2022) and approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Elememtary Education P-5
    • Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education/Elementary Intervention P-5
    • Bachelor of Arts in 幼儿中期教育
    • Bachelor of Arts in Intervention Specialist (K-12)
    • Bachelor of Arts in 综合语言艺术
    • Bachelor of Science in 综合数学
    • Bachelor of Arts in 综合社会研究
    • Bachelor of Arts in Music Education
    • Bachelor of Arts in Physi卡尔 Education/Health Education
    • Bachelor of Arts in 视觉艺术教育
    • Bachelor of Arts in 西班牙的教育
    • Bachelor of Science in 生命科学教育
    • Bachelor of Science in 物理科学教育
    • Master of Arts in Education – Professional Educator’s License
      • Licensure areas: Early Childhood (P-3), 小学教育(小学五年级), 幼儿中期教育, 集成业务, 综合语言艺术, 综合数学, 综合社会研究, Physi卡尔 Education/Health Education, 视觉艺术教育, 西班牙的教育, 生命科学教育, 物理科学教育
    • Master of Arts in Education — Intervention Specialist (K-12)
    • Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement (4-5)
    • Middle Childhood Generalist Endorsement (4-6)
  • The following Advanced educator preparation program accredited by the National Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NCATE 2015) and approved by the Ohio Department of Education.
    • Master of Arts in Education - Intervention Specialist (K-12)
  • The following educator preparation programs were approved by the Ohio Department of Education following the 2015 NCATE Affirmation of Accreditation.
    • Bachelor of Arts in 小学教育(小学五年级)
    • Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education/Elementary Intervention P-5
    • Master of Arts in Education – Professional Educator’s License (Elementary Education P-5)
  • Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Reporting Measures 2022年的报告
  • Social work program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education
  • School of Christian Ministry ordination preparation programs meet the outcomes-based ministerial education preparation requirement of the Church of the Nazarene's International Course of Study Advisory Committee (ICOSAC). The programs were validated by ICOSAC, adopted by the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene and approved by the Board of General Superintendents as recognized ministerial education courses of study for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene.

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